Invited Speaker
Jacob Spanke
PhD at the University of Siegen.
Certificate of attendance available
This week Jacob Spanke will give a presentation \”Lacking Trust as cause of the Greek crisis\” followed by a discussion.
The presentation will deal with questions such as: What do we know about trust in Greece? What are the deep-rooted societal causes of the Greek crisis? How was an equilibrium of low trust transmitted? What economic impact did the low amount of trust have?
About the presenter:
Jacob Spanke is involved in social capital research for five years by now. He wrote his master thesis about lacking trust as cause of the Greek crisis and is now pursuing a PhD at the University of Siegen.
About Our Webinar Series
This event is part of our regular webinar sessions for social capital researchers including PhD/master students. These sessions include invited presentations from prominent scholars as well as presentations by PhD students and experts in professional practice.
For social capital researchers, these sessions are an opportunity to hear about the latest social capital research and insights from scholars working on the concept. They can be a great way to connect with people, to get advice, discuss ideas or issues, get suggestions for literature to read, or you can just listen.
Are you researching social capital and want to present your research? Click here for more information and to submit a proposal.
Generally, presentations can be 20 to 30 mins. The content of your presentation will depend on your research stage.