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Invited Speaker

Associate Professor Florian Grisel

Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
University of Oxford

The presentation examines how social capital affects the resolution of disputes by focusing on English Wikipedia’s Arbitration Committee, sometimes described as “Wikipedia’s Supreme Court.” Quantitative and qualitative data suggests that the Arbitration Committee not only examines the merits of the claims made by the disputants, but also and more crucially considers the position of each disputant within the community of editors in its decision-making process. In doing so, the Arbitration Committee does not simply decide or arbitrate disputes but seeks to attenuate their impact on Wikipedia’s social fabric. This data allows us to revisit sociological debates on the role of social capital, by revealing the ways in which well-connected individuals employ it strategically in order to obfuscate their noncompliance with norms, thus leading to what I call “dispute cancellation.”

About the presenter:

Florian Grisel is Research Fellow at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (SAGE, Strasbourg) and Senior Research Associate at the University of Oxford (Centre for Socio-Legal Studies). Using a methodological approach combining archival research, interviews, and ethnographic work, his research explores the emergence of law beyond the state, in global and local settings.

About Our Webinar Series

This event is part of our regular webinar sessions for social capital researchers including PhD/master students. These sessions include invited presentations from prominent scholars as well as presentations by PhD students and experts in professional practice.

For social capital researchers, these sessions are an opportunity to hear about the latest social capital research and insights from scholars working on the concept. They can be a great way to connect with people, to get advice, discuss ideas or issues, get suggestions for literature to read, or you can just listen.

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Generally, presentations can be 20 to 30 mins. The content of your presentation will depend on your research stage.

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