ISCA is launching social capital interest groups

ISCA is launching social capital interest groups

Social capital is a vast concept with diverse applications and definitions. To focus our discussions and connect with like-minded individuals, interest groups are an excellent way to delve into specific areas of interest.

As our community continues to grow, we strive to create spaces that align with the interests of our members. We value your input, so please let us know which interest groups you would like to be a part of. Once we see a few indications of interest, we will create a group for you to engage with.

Interest groups can be a great way to engage in discussions about various applications of social capital. However, it’s important to ensure that each group has effective leadership to avoid having too many groups with limited activity. As such, we will only create new groups when there is enough interest and leadership available.

If you have a passion for a topic related to social capital, or an application of the concept, you may want to consider taking on a leadership role in a new interest group.

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